:astral:original riveted since 1997:


once upon time there was a group called unicorn. there were a lot of problems with it, and we decided to create a new team. on the 19th of december 1997 astral was born. the founders were: towerx, robson, magic, n0thingman (his name used to be sherlock, but he changed it) & inferno. after the jumper party in 1997, ren joined our team (just 4 fun:). sprite joined as a tracer in january. before the flag'98 party, we met icicle. he was our musician but he was kicked out, because he wasn't too active. in the near future we want to release a musicdisc. the musics and the main code are ready. our demo was released at the scenest-rage party. after two month of convincing finally shaman decided to do join astral. edo left contract and entered astral. strepto (was a coder of an old team) started his scene-life again and entered astral before antiq '98 and arpi joined at the party as coder. ren leaved our team, because he abort his scene-life. immortal rat in november decided to make his scene-life with us. magic was kicked out in november, because he was totally inactive. the astral waked up from sleeping and begun to work in the second demo callad "friday". this demo will be finished in about april or may. n0thingman and robson decided to make a site for musics called "trackrsite". the site is "work in progress" it's will be finished in the near future. the www addres: http://astral.scene-hu.com/trackrsite or you can reach ftp: ftp://sherlock.sch.bme.hu


immortal rat
coder, musician
musician, ansi
tracer, keyframer

we need coders & tracers/keyframers! if you're interested, please contact us!


filename... -title.. type... author... party... #
ast-fiel.zip fields of sadness mch towerx jumper'97 6th
ast-nigh.zip nightfall gfx inferno jumper'97 3rd
ast-pow.zip power-dive mch towerx flag'98 -
ast-unr.zip unrestrained dreams mch robson flag'98 -
ast-feel.zip feeling mch icicle flag'98 -
ast-len.zip lenin wildgfx ren flag'98 5th
ast-wick.zip wicked gfx inferno cache'98 1st
ast-vert.zip vertigo 4ch towerx scenest'98 8th
ast-leav.zip leave the shores... mch towerx scenest'98 -
ast-cond.zip conduction demo - scenest'98 6th
ast-com.zip command gfx edo scenest'98 13th
ast-mir.zip the mirror of my soul gfx inferno scenest'98 12th
ast-tear.zip crystal tears 4ch towerx antiq'98 10th
ast-gamm.zip gamma complex mch towerx antiq'98 -
ast-4ths.zip i live in 4th dime... mch robson antiq'98 -
ast-jaat.zip jaatynyt pixelgfx inferno antiq'98 9th
ast-5blb.zip fajv blobz 1k intro arpi antiq'98 4th
ast-mpha.zip the mirror... phases gfx inferno - -
ast-wpha.zip phases of wicked gfx inferno - -
ast-vsrc.zip complex vesa 1.22c source robson - -
ast-mix3.zip 3rd compuhits mix mp3 towerx - -
ast-mys1.zip Mysterious space I. musicdisktowerx - -
ast-mys2.zip Mysterious space II. musicdisktowerx - -


bbs name... status... sysops... number... speed...
babylon bbs hq achilles, scottt +36 29-446-230 33.6k
+36 29-446-231 14.4k


world wide web: ftp sites:


alias... phone... real name... e-mail address...
a'rpi +36/1/3381-405gereôffy árpád arpi@abacus.scene-hu.com
edo +36/56/344-529edit kõrmendi edo@mail.externet.hu
inferno +36/76/476-141szabolcs menyhei i303@freemail.c3.hu
immortal rat immortalrat@wem.date.hu
n0thingman +36/76/477-079péter szûcs sherlock@sch.bme.hu
robson +36/30/586-210róbert csákány robson@abacus.scene-hu.com
shaman +36/1/2031-670lóránt tóth shaman@stud.bke.hu
sprite +36/76/487-491ferenc kôházy
strepto +36/76/487-491balázs szórádi
towerx +36/76/494-074maxim kuznyecov

snail mail:
Hungary 6000, kecskemét, rákóczi út 22. II/1
(róbert csákány / robson)

usually on #scene and #demoscene


abaddon, astroidea, autopsy, axioma, byteam, brutal core division, capanna, chrome, code & light sorcerers, contract, d-eyes, dinasty, euthanasia, exact, exceed, extasy, exhumers, faculty, fresh!, liquid sounds, magnesium, majic 12, mandula, micropyle, relentless, rhyme, silicon brain, system halted, tng team, unicorn, united force and zsiR! nation


Work in progress... (the photos are in the scanner :)


- Trajic's Hungarian scene homepage -
- Scene-Central -
- Another scene-page -
- Cubic homepage -
- HP's homepage -
- MAZ-Sound homepage -
- Astral's TrackRSite -
- Astral's TrackRSite FTP -

design by HP - last modification: 20th of november in 1998